रोग के लक्षण
The disease of wheat allergies often does not suffer from any symptoms, which is called the form of silent disease and blood is detected in these people through routine blood tests, which are noted lack of hemoglobin and high rate of red blood cells and iron deficiency, so iron deficiency anemia is The most common forms of this disease. Wheat allergies may occur with any symptoms at any age. It may sometimes appear in the first year of life after the infant has been ingested gluten-containing food intake. Diagnosis is highest in adults in the fourth decade of age, N Symptoms are very diverse and often not specific to the palms The patient suffers from general fatigue, fatigue and weakness in the muscles, which are usually associated with the anemia caused by the disease, as well as the symptoms of patients suffering from diarrhea, which is characterized by yellow color and bad smell and it is full of fat and float on the surface of the water in the toilet
The patient also suffers from abdominal discomfort, bloating, abdominal pain and weight loss. These symptoms indicate that the disease has become more advanced. The cause of weight loss is poor absorption of nutrients, especially fat, as well as poor absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin ( A and D and K and E), and lack of these vitamins lead to a lack of calcium with wounds easily and increase the time of bleeding after the wounds from normal time
It is also noticed by the doctor when examining the incidence of mouth ulcers with inflammation of the side area of the mouth gap between the lips where these symptoms occur frequently, and it is also the patient suffering from infertility and psychiatric diseases such as anxiety and depression and the reason that the disease affects the life The patient is a social patient because of the nature of the patient’s special food. A distinguishing feature of this disease is herpes zoster, which is a vesicular skin rash that is found on the skin surfaces of the extensor muscles. Herpesic dermatitis is present in 10% of patients with wheat allergies.